“One Christmas, my sister was there with me, and when we were opening gifts, I got a new baseball mitt. My sister got a party dress, and all the girls went upstairs and tried it on and were ooing and ahhing at how beautiful it was, and the whole thing… and I wanted so much to be among them.

I didn’t want a baseball mitt. That’s my very first recollection.

I schemed constantly to be alone, and I got into my sisters’ clothing drawers and closet, and when they were away I dressed up because that’s what you do.

I only got caught once. I managed to…My father was conservative Christian, and I managed to draw him into denial about it. When he caught me in my sister’s clothes I said to him, ‘Oh, I just wanted to see what it felt like.’ He was pretty willing to be drawn into denial, because he didn’t want to know.”

Jacqui’s paintings, inspired by her interview with Judy

All paintings are mixed-media. Click any image for a larger view.