Meet Our Team
Jacqui Beck
My artwork is colorful, personal, experimental, and expressive. For me, it’s a way to experience and understand my life more fully. I paint about the connection of all things, keeping in mind both the depth and whimsy of life…
Heather Chamberlain
I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t in conversation with myself and others about gender. I am lucky enough to have had many trans* and gender-variant people in my life over the years, and I became fascinated with the ways in which the limits and liberations of gender affect the human experience…
Marc Hoffman
I’m a photographer, digital media specialist, musician, and parent living in Kirkland Washington with my wife, Tina. In addition to participating on our steering committee, I function as the Gender Personal webmaster and photographer. I grew up during the 1960’s—a time of radical social questioning. A perennial topic among my friends was how “The System” rewards fitting in and penalizes individuality…